Saturday, February 11, 2012

[Shizu's Diary 3 - 2012] My Dream Last Night (Feb.11)

So, I had this weird dream.. there was this family reunion in father side.. including my dad's friends.. I was surprised, my dad resurrected. O__O

Then on the second floor of the unknown house, I saw OOR then I started thinking of what to do. I didn't tell them I'm a fan so I can freely take a picture of them. I can't stop secretly starring at Toru. :"> GAAAH!

The party was done then we're getting home, in the car, we saw the friend of my dad who is a priest. I got scared to that priest when he threw the bible like he's getting sick and tired of being a christian. T-T

I woke up finding my papsy but in reality, he's still gone. And I wonder what's up with that priest right now. Remembering that OOR pic, aww.. XDD

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